With school starting soon, here are some things you can expect from you physical education class, and some tips on how to be prepared.

Here are the topics that we will cover in this blog.
1. Appropriate Clothing
2. Code of Conduct
3. Marking Rubric
-Attitude and Participation
-Starts from the moment you step in the gym
-Fitness Testing 3 Times a Year
4. Extracurricular Sports
Appropriate Clothing
When it comes to appropriate clothing for physical education class, it has little to do with mandating a uniform policy, more to do with safety. It can be very dangerous to be unprepared for physical exercise. Heat exhaustion, concussions, broken bones, sprains and tears are all possible injuries that can occur. This is why it is important to adhere to all suggestions.
A. Footwear
Students are expected to wear runners while participating in physical education class or extra curricular sports. In appropriate footwear can cause both short term and long term injuries. runners are cushioned for impact, and support students while running. Too many students show up in basketball shoes or lifestyle shoes, as these shoes are non-cushioned and create additional strain on muscle development, and restrict their movements which harms their ability to learn. Please see a Physical Education teacher for suggestions.
B. Polo shirt / t-shirt
Yes we are school that has a uniform and there are SOME restrictions on why students can wear. But part of the uniform, students are expected to wear their white golf shirt/ polo shirt every single day. This shirt is cooler than all other shirts and is the ONLY acceptable shirt to wear during physical Education classes. If students have one of the school based athletic shirts, this is an even better option. Students can bring it with them to class, and can quickly change before.
C. Extra-curricular Sports / Teams
Because these sports are after education time and outside of the regular curriculum, students can bring athletic clothing to school to change into after school prior to practice. Girls if wear shorts, must wear a pair of leggings with them. No sleeveless shirts.
Lastly, ALL students for both Physical Education class and extra-curricular sports, should bring a WATERBOTTLE. Staying hydrated is a safety concern, and helps students maximize their exercise.
2. Code of Conduct
Students can head over to the Policies and Forms section on our website to find both the school's student code of conduct, but also the expectations around sportsmanship through the FairPlay Basic Principles and the Student-Athlete Contract.
We had a lot of success building a positive attitude around movement in our school, and we look forward to expanding on it this year.
3. Marking Rubric
A. Attitude, Participation and Improvement
We are going to be conducting Fitness Testing 3 times a year, with students completing: Beep test, stretch test and jump test. We are NOT looking for students to be perfect and to act like an athlete. What we are looking for, is a student led commitment to improvement. You can also find in the Policies and Forms section of the website, the daily assessment form that we will be using for all students that focusses on student attitude and participation. All of the activities are designed to meet Alberta Education standards and have students complete Locomotor, Non-Locomotor and manipulative movements. There is much more to it, and if you want to read more about it feel free to follow this link that will take you to the Alberta Education program of studies.
Here is a link to some parent resources for the different grades and how you can help your student improve in Physical Education.
4-6 Marking rubric is broken down as follows:
40% attendance: Showing up is the first obstacle towards success!
50% Attitude and Participation: You need to participate during the class to the best of your ability and be motivated to get better! Learn from your shortcomings and grow! Along with participation is attitude talk yourself with kindness along with people around you!
In class work 10%: Some days we might do paper pencil work and all of it can influence your overall grade. You will need to submit your work in a timely manner and put an equal amount of effort into it.
4. Extracurricular Sports
Much like in the classroom, field trips and real life application of learning is important to the high level retention of material. We are GSS are extremely lucky to have a multitude of different extra curricular sports/teams where students can test their ability to cooperate, communicate and expand their learning. Please see the page on GSS Athletics for all of the different activities available.
In addition to personal challenges, when it comes to employment or university applications, students will be required to create a profile. When it comes to participation with teams and clubs, this gives students a well rounded resume. Please see any of your teachers for further recommendations.
Please stay tuned for new blog posts on GSS Physical Education and Athletics.